Would you ever send your teen to boot camp?

Disclaimer: I'm NOT sending my kid off to boot camp but I have been thinking about it. The only reason I'm holding back for now is because I don't know much about it.

I have a 16 year old son who I *thought* I had an open relationship with. Back in December or the end of November I wanna say? He asked me if he could go to his girlfriend's apartment. She's emancipated. I told him thank you for asking for me, but you're not allowed to go. I already know what's gonna go down without adult supervision but I did again thank him for being honest with me and I told him that's a good sign of maturity right there. Well fast forward a few weeks later he asked me if he could go to his best friend's house to help him decorate for Christmas. He's known his friend for 12 years and I said go ahead. His friend came and picked him up. I called my son because I genuinely wanted to know the lights were coming along but I got no answer. I called 6 mores times and he picked up the phone sounding completely out of breath and I heard a girl in the back. I asked my son where he is and he told me he's with his friend. I told him to send me a picture and he told me his camera is messed up 🙄 So I told him to come home and that he's grounded. I work from 5 pm to 7 am in the morning as a nurse and just a damn week after that, when I came home in the morning to thank my son for cooking breakfast for me (He wakes up at 6 am to cook for me then goes back to sleep until it's time for him to get up for school) I saw this little tiny thong on the floor that I guess he forgot to pick up. So I woke him up and told him that now he's grounded for 3 months. I set up alarms in the house and monitors. I made him break up with that girl and he's not allowed to date until he is 18 now. I'm also driving him everywhere now and chaperoning. My son stopped cooking for me and hasn't spoken to me in like 2 weeks (Regular teenage way of showing anger) But I've never been so disrespected by him, ever and it hurts. My parents would always threaten to send me to boot camp as a kid and I would straighten myself out quick. I've been thinking about sending him there but I don't know if I've got the guts.

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