Pregnancy question


So my last period was December 13th with a 34 day cycle, this is my 6th pregnancy with only three living kids. I'm on progesterone with this pregnancy. Anyways my ob said I should be around 6 weeks and 7 days. I went to the ER because I had a really bad sharp stabbing pain on the right side of my lower abdomen. She did both ultrasounds and I could not see or ask her anything all the information had to go right to the Doctor. But she said that she only saw a SAC with fluid around it, no baby and no heartbeat. My HCG is going up last night it was 6,119.0) last week my progesterone was 15.50 so that went up some while taking progesterone. I'm so worried this pregnancy is not going to be successful too! 😭 every month my cycle days would change. I have no pregnancy symptoms, just sore breast that seem to be going away? (It seems like it is) I dont see my ob till the 8th of February. For a dating ultrasound. Any help? Has anyone gone through this or know anything about ultrasounds?? Thank! And I'm sorry this is so long.