I’m afraid my insecurities will ruin this

I’ve been with my love for about a year. Everything is great! He’s my best friend and lover. We hardly ever fight and if we do it’s about stupid/minute stuff that we can talk through. My problem is that I’m incredibly insecure. My ex really did a number on me and I need constant reassurance.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant for trivia (we go every week with his family) and someone brought their daughter that’s my age. My bf was talking to her and I joined the conversation too, everything was fine but they had so much in common and he seemed to really enjoy her company. I know, logically, he can have friends of any gender and I shouldn’t be bothered. But for some reason I became EXTREMELY insecure and I can’t stop thinking about this “connection” they had.

I know I’m being ridiculous, I truly just need advice on how to move on from being so insecure 😢