Is 30/31 to old to try for baby number 2 my mom says that I’m to old to have another baby

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Posted at
No way!! I didn't even have my first till I was 35! Had my 2nd on my 37th birthday and pregnant now, will be 39 when I deliver! I have had healthy pregnancies and my girls are so perfect! That little one deserves a sibling, best thing in the world!! 😍


Posted at
Currently 30, and my husband and I want one more.. We just had our third, so I plan to start trying for number four when I'm 31/32! Definitely not too old!!!


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I had my little girl two years ago at 34! I didn’t have my first til I was 28 almost 29!  🤷🏾‍♀️ 


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My partners mom had him at 39 and my brother and his wife just had their first and she’s 36! You are so young still. Go for it!


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I had my son at 36 and my daughter at 40 and they're both perfectly healthy


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Why have kids in your twenties its the only time you can have the fredom to travel... who are the 20 year olds that are able to afford babies as well? I personally was able to and chose instead to travel and help fund my husbands medical career. Im the exception not the commonplace so Im assuming most 20 yr olds require their parents to foot the bill... until you can pay your own way, buy your pwn house etc. tou probably shouldnt be having kids.


Rainee • Feb 11, 2020
Here’s one 💁🏼‍♀️ im 25, ive been married for 6 years, have a 2 year old, own a home and are both successful. So I find it a tad but offensive when people “shame” others for being young parents... basing success off of a numerical age is ridiculous. There’s plenty of twenty something year olds that are completely self sufficient and do not rely on their parents. Just because others have different goals and aspirations in life (travel vs start families) does not make them wrong and you don’t have to try to understand. Not trying to come across in any particular way, just irks me when I see people make these types of comments about choosing to start a family young.


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Old school peeps always think 30 is too old! I know people who start at 30 and they had the smoothest healthiest pregnancies


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I mean, I had babies into my 40’s, so 31 seems young.


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I’m 30 and will be 31 in 5 months. I’m 6w prego with baby #2.


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Had my first at 32, just had my second at 34. One my friends just had her third at 38.