Does this mean I’m ovulating & fertile?

So, I’ve never taken an ovulation test before in my life until this week. For the longest time I thought that I was probably infertile... pretty certain I have pcos (have my reasons why & also runs in my family) , my period cramps are TERRIBLE, I don’t have the clear stretchy fertile discharge anymore ( I used too until a few years ago), and I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve asked myself in the past “how did I not get pregnant?”..

Anyways, my boyfriend & I have been talking about having a baby this year.. like actually trying. I want a baby more than anything in this world and I’ve been so worried that I won’t be able to have one. I took a test yesterday and it looked to be positive.. test line has to be dark as or darker than the control line and today I took one and the test line was blazing positive ♥️ .. so does this mean Im fertile?

