Husband issues.. anyone else?

Anyone else’s husband not able to get off around the time you ovulate? 😩 it’s so frustrating. Makes me just as sad as seeing a negative pregnancy test. I know I’m not supposed to tell him when I ovulate, but he’s been aware that I’ve been afraid I’m not ovulating or that something isn’t right because I wasn’t getting any positive opk. Turns out I’m just ovulating later than I thought, and I excitedly told him I finally got my positive. When we had sex last night, he couldn’t get off... I was patient and we tried again.. and he still couldn’t get off :( I hate getting upset about it, but it’s so so hard not to. ANY other time he gets off in like 5 mins tops.

So sad.. so I guess I’m out this month.. the day before i got my positive he also didn’t get off.. so I know the timing isn’t going to be right this month :(