3 month old doesn’t sleep until 10-11pm?


My dd is 3 months old exactly. For the past month she has been a pretty good sleeper and I really can’t complain too much. My biggest worry is the time she’s ready for bed. For the last 2-3 weeks she consistently will not go down for actual sleep until around 10:30ish. I worry that it’s too late of a bedtime and would prefer her going to sleep around 8. But when I try (and she does have a swaddling/feeding night routine) she will just cry and cry and stay awake up until the 10 or 11 mark. But will then sleep a good 5-7 hour stretch, get fed around 4-6am and then sleep another 2-3 hours. So I’m getting good sleep and she’s going longer stretches which make me happy. But are there any tips for getting her to sleep a little earlier? Should I worry less about a forced bedtime at this age?

She naps okay throughout the day I think. She’s usually never awake more than 2.5 hours in between naps and her naps are anywhere from 30 minutes long to 1.5 hours long.