Face shape help 🤔


Different angles for reference! Excuse my messy and unfilled in eyebrows 🙈

Also, here's some with my hair down. And yes, I know I have a huge forehead lol! I hate it so much, but I swear it looks normal sized in person. It seems to look bigger in pictures for some reason. Bad angles/lighting maybe 🤷‍♀️ Idk but hubby says the same thing about it. Postpartum hair loss didn't help either 🤦‍♀️

Anyways! Back to the point! I've always struggled to determine my true face shape. Are there any experts here to help shed some light on this? If you're not an expert and would like to share your thoughts/opinions, that's great and super helpful too! I've been curious about what my face shape is for soooo long!! Thank you all 💕