My story (very long!)


I want to share my story and hopefully bring hope to others.

Here it is. When I was 14 years old a month away from being 15, I started hanging out with this guy that was quite a bit older than me (5 years). I was friends with his mom and me and a bunch of my friends hung out with his mom all the time. She kinda pushed me into hanging out with her son, I was nervous, with him being so much older. And her son was honestly kind of weird, different. He Hung out with people I didn’t like, they did drugs and such. Well he asked me to date him, I was soo young and stupid. At the time I was super shy and i didn’t know what to say.. so I said yes. And that turned out to be one of my worst mistakes. Things started out great! Even though in the back of my mind I was so scared and leery of him. But I told myself it will be okay. He seems alright. About a month into the relationship hell started. I didn’t want to have sex again I was so young. He forced himself onto me. Raped me in his friends cabin. I still to this day can feel the pain and it still makes me cry sometimes. If only it would’ve stopped there... things got worse as time went on. I was just a sex toy for me. He would call me fat, ugly, a whore, all these terrible names. Took what little bit of self esteem I had left and trashed it. He then started putting a pillow over my face when we he wanted to have sex with me because “I was too ugly to look at during sex”. Forced me to try all these sex things. He would drink and become horrible to me. He would hit me, rape me, tell me how horrible I was, how I was just a trashy bitch who didn’t care about anything. (Well I didn’t care about anything because I was so depressed, and scared to get out) this went on for 3 years. All because I was scared. One day we were getting ready to leave his friends house, he had been drinking too much so I tried to drive and he ripped me out of the car onto the ground and said to get up or he would run me over. So I got into the car. And he started fighting with me over stuff next thing I knew... he grabbed the back of my head and shoved it through the windshield in the car, took me to his apartment, forced himself onto me and when I tried to push him away he held a gun to my head. I was so scared. That was the night I decided I had to get out or I was going to die. So I broke things off through texting because I was scared what might happen if I did it in person. He was mad. He tried to shoot himself on my front porch in front of me and my mom. He begged me to stay. But I knew I couldn’t. It hurt. Everything hurt. My body, I felt his hands on me all the time. My feelings were destroyed. My heart shattered. I was so lost and depressed. I felt like I was ruined not good enough for anybody. I dated this guy a while after and he emotionally abused me all the time. And then... I met the love of my freaking life. Somebody that I never have to worry about laying a hand on me. And it’s the most amazing feeling in the world. He had put up with my damaged heart and body. He thinks it’s all perfect. He took my broken heart cleaned it up off the floor. And supports me in EVERYTHING. him and my mom are my biggest supporters. And we are now having a baby together in june! And I’ve always wanted to be a stay at home mom and have all the time with my future kids. And he’s making that happen and supporting me through every step of this. We are going on 2 years strong!

So the perfect man for you will come in time. It might not seem Like you’ll ever find the right guy. But somewhere out there... you will find that guys. Who thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world and he will support you and love you like nobody ever has. It takes time. But he’s out there.

I shared this because I wanted to help bring hope to those who have been through what I have or worse. If you are scared to leave there are people that will help you. Get out of the bad relationship. It makes you feel like a whole new person. Build yourself up!! I’m proof that you can do it! 💕💕