DHS Took My Kids

UPDATE: I got my kids back Monday. We went in for a meeting Monday and I was able to get verification from my psychiatrist showing I didn’t have bipolar. I also went ahead and paid for a mental evaluation and came clear of that. So DHS said they couldn’t find a reason why I didn’t need my children and told me I could take them home and they would step back and let this case go. My heart is so heavy. The pay 2 weeks have been so terrible. We still don’t know why they took them, but they’re home now so we’re just happy they’re okay and safe. My lawyer said they knew they were gonna get in trouble with me hiring a lawyer, but honestly, I’m so happy to have my babies home. I just want to forget this ever happened. My 2 year old has been having nightmares and has shown signs of separation anxiety. If I even leave her side she thinks I’m leaving and not coming back. Nighttime she screams because she wants to be in bed with me. My oldest is used to staying with family so I think she was thinking it was more sleepovers with her aunt and Mimi. My baby boy I think is too young to notice anything. But my little girl has obviously been affected by this 💔 so I will be seeking mental health professionals to find therapy services to help them get through what they’ve been through. But I thought I would update and say I got my babies back. No I didn’t do anything wrong, in so many words they said it was just petty lies out of spite and even told me I should request coparenting classes for my ex husband because he and his family have been the ones who said a lot of the allegations. For the people saying dhs won’t take your kids unless you deserve it, I am proof that that isn’t true. My kids were taken for 2 weeks for a reason I still don’t know. I fought like hell. Doctors testimonies, teacher testimonies, witness testimonies, so much proof that I’m a good mom and they went off a family’s statement. No proof. Just hearsay. A family who hasn’t ever met my little girl. A family who has never met my children. An exhusband who has history of child abuse and was court ordered anger management and parenting classes and still hasn’t done it. I was a victim. All because the dhs worker was friends with his family. And if I hadn’t had hired a lawyer or notified the NAACP, I don’t think I would have ever gotten my babies back.

On Jan. 6th @ 6pm, my ex brought our daughter (2) home. She was fussy, acting funny. I gave her some Tylenol thinking she wasn’t feeling well, and put her to bed. The next day she wasn’t active, still was fussy, would be fine one second and then would act unplayful the next. I called my parents because I didn’t know what was wrong.

She has no fever? My parents came by and looked at her, we noticed she kept holding her leg and so we thought maybe she had a splinter in her foot? (She usually holds her legs and ankles when she does). My parents said if she didn’t act better to take her to the dr. I made an Appt, dr couldn’t get her in. So the next day on the 9th, I took her to urgent care and they referred me to the ER.

At the ER they thought she was fine but we decided to do an X-ray of her leg just in case. She had a spiral fracture. After speaking to the dr, we agreed it was best to call CPS. The didnt show up till the next day at 6pm unexpected. My house is babyproofed, clean, my kids were taken care of. The CPS worker never looked through my house. Said I was a good mom and left. We didn’t hear back from her.

2 weeks later the same lady shows up with a County sheriff. She starts accusing me of intentionally hurting my daughter because I’m in “cahoots” with my ex’s babymama. I told her I wanted my attorney, she told me I wasn’t allowed to. She threw my miscarriage in my face and told me “no 22 year old needs 3 kids”. The sheriff even walked out because he was so upset by her behavior. He ended up dropping the case a few days later because she prevented him from doing a proper investigation. When I told her to leave my house she told me she was taking my kids. My 2 beautiful little girls and my beauty 5 month baby boy.

She put them with my parents (THANK GOD!). Well we had our meeting yesterday about what we need to do to have the kids come home. A doctor yesterday at the meeting made clear that this could have been an accident and that this was not a result of abuse nor did it happen at my home due to the bruising and the timeline. So the abuse allegation was thrown out. DHS then told my attorney and is that my kids can’t come home because I’m “neglectful” and lied and said my kids don’t have beds. She NEVER walked through my homes. My lawyer easily proved that my kids have beds. She then said because I have depression and bipolar that I can’t have my kids.

I. Don’t. Have. Bipolar.?! I have PTSD, not bipolar. She said I have to prove I don’t have bipolar in order to have my kids back?! I called my psychiatrist and therapist and explained the situation and she said she can easily show that in 2017 I was only diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety. But DHS is saying I have to start taking medicine and heal my PTSD. I can’t HEAL my PTSD. My therapist and psychiatrist say there’s nothing wrong with me and they’re upset by DHS actions. I’m scared I’m never gonna get my baby’s back 💔 idk what I did wrong?!

Then my court Order for custody on my first child with her father, he’s not been involved for 7 months. And our custody agreement says he can only have her certain days of the month, and he failed a drug test. But DHS told him 3 days ago to get clean to pass this UA and then told us last night that they will break our court order and allow him to take my oldest baby away from my sister (they removed them from my parents home because “they’re too involved with me” and my dad has a criminal charge from 20 years ago). I have to have supervised visits In order to see my 3 babies but he can just take them even though he does drugs and abandoned her?! And then she allowed my ex to take my baby girl, knowing that she broke her leg in HIS care. I’m so scared. She told me and my sister if we don’t sign what they want they will put my baby boy in foster care. She said I won’t get them back for months.

I’m sorry it’s so long. Idk what to do. My lawyer is at a loss.

Also, we found out my ex’s aunt works for DHS at that office and she has a close friend who’s been giving her info about closed cases. We asked for a new case worker and they told us no. We have proof of this as well.