30 weeks

Ok ladies a little rant. I have at the most 7-8 weeks left and as little as who knows cuz with twins who knows right? I am feeling extremely nervous, scared, anxious, excited you name it. I'm mostly scared though. I'm so scared of going into labor while my husband is at work when I really am gonna need him there and he works 45 minutes away. I'm scared of going into labor while my son is at school then worrying about who is going to pick him up and what not. I'm scared of the pain. I'm scared of something going wrong with the babies or me. I am absolutely terrified and idk what to do cuz ready or not here they come! This is my second pregnancy and I never felt this way until like moments before he came out. Maybe because I didnt truly know what to expect? I was only 18. Am I more scared because its 2 instead of 1? We have an amazing support system so I know we will have all the help but clearly we need more of a plan. Ok rant over.