Relief after cluster feeding??


Ladies, SOS! I had my son two days ago. Last night was our first night home, and things went pretty well, but he started cluster feeding (like 5-7 minutes on, 10 min off, repeat 4 times...) and then he slept for 3 hours only to wake up and nurse for maybe 10 min on just one breast. My boobs are full and miserable. I have pumped 3 times after nursing to relieve some of the pressure. My boobs are getting so hard that air have to at least manually express before latching just to get him to take more than just my nipple.

Have you ladies used a heat/cold compress?? I want to go back to how he nursed 24 hours ago..that was a dream.. I've tried warm washcloths and it felt good but the relief is super short-lived. Advice please!!