2nd time labor

Alex • AZ🌵 Married, momma of 2, expecting 🤰🏻❤️

When did you go into labor with your second child?

I had my son at 38w1d with an enhanced labor, I was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced and bulging water bag at my appointment and my dr sent me to L&D to enhance my labor since I live 2:30 hrs away from my hospital and she didn’t want to risk me not making to the hospital in time. I had a great experience and labor only lasted about 7hrs!

I’m due with my 2nd in a little over 3 weeks and yesterday at my appointment doctor said my cervix was very soft & baby was really low.

I don’t know what to expect this time around! And I’m getting more anxious as the days go by!

I had no period in between my birth control removal & getting pregnant so the only thing we’re going by is the first measurements they took at my 8 week appointment- so I’m really thinking any day in February is when it could happen 😳 EDD is February 22nd.