Awake or Asleep?


Hello all.

I’ve had two previous c-sections in the past, due to my uterus abnormality. They were planned c-sections and everything went well.

I’m now pregnant with twins and I have my c-section scheduled for 37 Weeks. My OB said she’ll be keeping a close eye on me due to the fact they’re twins and my uterus abnormality (Bicornuate Uterus). She did say it would be possible that I could go into labor beforehand and had a rough time choosing when to schedule the c-section, however did it anyways and gave me numbers to call just in case I don’t make it to my date and go into labor early.

My question is.. if I were to go into labor, and by the time I get to the hospital (only 30 minutes away) would they put me under for my emergency c-section or would they be able to prep me while being in labor. I never thought to ask her this and will be my next appointment. I know things can change at a drop of a hat but wasn’t too sure if they would be able to prep me for an emergency c-section while being in labor.

Also have any of you been put under during a c-section and how was your experience? I’ve been awake both times and have never been put under for anything before.