To the Innie nipple ladies(and men)


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are still perfect and beautiful in your own way. You are you and you should love yourself. I know it can be hard and conflicting. All you ever see are shirtless girls in movies or pictures on facebook and instagram of girla with their nipples visible through their tops and everyone thinks theyre cute & sexy, you are too! It doesn't matter that your nipples are different. It's completely normal. I planned for months and years on getting my nipples pierced just so they'd look 'normal' like the other girls. What I never knew was that it IS normal and that I am ME.

My bestfriend and I were talking late one night about nipples and how she was insecure about hers because she felt that she had 'pepperoni' nipples just because they were larger than what she'd like them to be. I asked her what her thought was on innie nipples and she seemed disgusted and said they were so weird and blah blah. I felt so insecure and gross like an outcast. She took it back right away when I told her thats what I have.

I had a breast cancer scare and having all these doctors and surgeons do different scans, tests, biopsies, surgeries, and check ups was so out of my comfort zone and I was so scared because not only was I scared to possibly have cancer(I was very lucky and all results came back benign) but I was also insecure about what they saw and thought of me. They mentioned my innie nipples in front of my mom and grandma and my mom reacted shocked and surprised and talked to me as if I was weird and she was hoping it was just a phase as a baby and that she assumed they'd 'pop out' when I went through puberty.

I'm so very blessed that my boyfriend helped me through my journey of learning to love myself and my innie nipples.

I'm here to tell you that you are not alone and to not be insecure about your nipples. They are perfect no matter what shape, size, color, innie, or outie. Love yourself and be proud of who you are. You are unique, one of a kind, and perfect in your own way!

I hope this helps somebody out there!💕