Nurse Holly, do you think these kinds of tik toks are unprofessional?


I haven't seen this posted before, I tried searching and didn't find anything. But let me know if this has been discussed before.

So there's this nurse on tik tok who is a Christian and is very open about her faith. I have no problems with this and I think its great for people to be open and confident about their beliefs.

But she's made tik toks saying the best way to prevent STDs is to wait till marriage and that having Jesus in your life can help with anxiety.

I get where she's coming from and I don't think she should feel like she can't talk about her beliefs. But I also feel like spreading information like that is unprofessional. I'm in the nursing program and work as a caregiver and you have to be neutral, to not shove your beliefs in your patients face or downgrade their religion. But also this is a social media platform and there is freedom of speech, so is it different cause she's doing it on a social media platform, or is it still inappropriate and unprofessional?

I've seen people on both sides of the argument and I genuinely don't know how to feel.

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