Mother hood is fucking hard !!


Edit : WOW thank you Literally EVERYONE! I was not expecting so many people to reach out on this but to everyone who has THANK YOU!! Thank you for your uplifting words, pieces of advice and sharing your side of mother hood ! It makes me feel not alone and gives me peace it’s okay to take a breather !! You’re all absolutely amazing ❤️❤️❤️

Mother hood isn’t just hard it’s FUCKING hard ! This is a perspective from a 22 year old stay at home mama almost 7 months pregnant with a 2 y/o toddler and a little crazy puppy dog! I’m blessed yes so so so blessed but I’m overwhelmed and exhausted ! I don’t have an easy toddler (not to say anyone does) most days I say I don’t like toddlers when i was always so eager and excited to one day have my own child. I’m not the mother I thought i would be ! I battle depression and I compare myself to others way too much! I love my baby boy so much but he’s too much to handle on my own. I’m home all day everyday alone with him and he’s in his tantrum stage. He doesn’t want to eat anything but junk, he does like a food then 2 bites later he changes his mind. He doesnt like to watch tv and his attention span is very very short so he doesn’t play much by himself either ! He’s constantly wanting to be held (I walk around and tell him he can walk and ignore his loud screams just to try to teach him I can’t hold him all the time anymore) he bites omg he bites so bad ! I try to take him to play at the library with other kids but I never know when to leave him and let him be and play and when to jump in and intervene so I get nervous going out that other mothers think “wow that young mom is nuts” that’s what anxiety does folks I know it sounds crazy! I never know what to do to calm him down anymore because I’ve tried everything! I try teaching him to breathe when we’re upset and tell me what’s wrong or to sit down somewhere until he can relax because he’s not going to sit by mommy’s side and scream 24/7 or I redirect him to refocus his little mind! Nothing works! I can’t clean my house because he DOES NOT give me a break! Then I sit and I cry because after everything I haven’t done my best or I feel I haven’t. He’s hungry but maybe he wouldn’t be if he ate one of the 4 things I’ve made him! Now I’m upset bc I feel I’m starving my child when it’s not me it’s him I’m doing everything I can. My house is a reck bc mommy doesn’t have 2 mins to herself . half the time he doesn’t even nap and when he does it’s only 45 mins! Mom needs a break but when it’s not the toddler it’s the dog! My dog needs a bath but how do I bring my child to the pet store to bathe our dog? It’s winter it’s too cold to wash him outside ! But mama put your makeup on and love on that baby because one day it won’t be here and I’ll miss it ! But right now I’m tired and I’m worn out and I feel I can’t go on but I know I can and I will my mom did and my grandmothers did and I will too but god it’s hard it’s so so hard and I wish so badly for it to be over and that kills me because I want to enjoy everything about him! How do you beat the toddler game? How do you stay proud of yourself without thinking that maybe the mom life you’ve always dreamt of Isnt really what you’ve always wanted ? But I know it is it’s just hard so much harder than I thought