I love my doctor! ❤️

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. My girl is 6, my little miracle dude is 4, and my little smiley guy is 1! It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

I had my first visit yesterday. I had a dating ultrasound too. I’ve been so worried about it because I had gained so much weight with my first pregnancy. I was just worried that they’d make a big deal about my weight and freak out because I still hadn’t lost it (it’s been 15 months and I’ve only lost like, 10 lbs). So went in and had my scan, my little gummy bear was perfect. Heartbeat 177, due date officially September 7th (8w3d). So when she came in, she remembered my daughter by name, she hugged me and said it was so good to see me. She checked out everything and never mentioned my weight. I brought it up and said “I’ve been struggling to lose the baby weight.” And she said, “Do not put that on the top of your list right now. You have so many things going on and you can’t be so hard on yourself. You will lose it eventually, but in the meantime, your heart is healthy. It sounds perfect actually. Your blood pressure is great, and your baby is growing. Those are the things you need to watch and they all look great.” 😭 I just love her so much. She makes me feel human when sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror I don’t like what I see. ❤️

Here’s my little gummy bear!