My baby is gone 😭


I'm not sure how to start this off..

Long story short I am in a different country and Wednesday (2days ago) my mom told me that my baby girl (cat) did not come home. Shes very small built 8yr old baby girl. Very nervous and scared of big noises. Recently she had to go to the Vet for them to sedate her as she's scared and nervous when she goes there.

She tends to drool alot and just in shock and afraid. They had to shave off a small bit from her back to see what lump she has. It turns out it was a lump due to the same cat twice already that attacked her.

She has not eaten in 4days or drank anything. I dont know where she has gone to! I dont know what to do. I feel so empty and so very lost! I cannot stop crying and thinking and wondering is she safe where can she be.

My mom and my sister have looked all over for her and cannot see her anywhere. Nobody has seen her.

We all post everywhere for help to bring my baby girl back home safe and unharmed!

I want my baby girl back home 😭😭😭

She does not wear a collar as I dont like it and it felt uncomfortable for her as she kept hurting herself with it so I never had a collar on her as she was always so close to home.

She's been fixed from a very young age and she's not like this staying away so long. The longest is 4hrs. Not 2days.

She does not have a microchip in her as where my baby girl stays is pretty safe but not with that other cat always attacking my baby.

What could've happened..where is my baby girl?? 😭😭😭

Please.. there is NO need to post rude and hurtful comments.

I am heartbroken. My heart is shattered into so many pieces. 😭