Informing the public about viruses


Do you think the government/health officials or the media should disclose what hospital people with an infectious disease/virus are being treated at?

Today 2 cases of the recent coronavirus have been confirmed in England, they are being treated at a Newcastle hospital. It has not been made clear which Newcastle hospital they are at though. I've seen some say it should not be disclosed to avoid panic, but some argue it should be disclosed so people can choose to go to another hospital if they're in an "at risk" group.

I'm curious what other people think. I'm currently pregnant and have an appointment at a Newcastle hospital in 2 weeks time, which is what got me thinking about this as I'm one of those in the high risk grouping for viruses. I doubt it would put me off going to my appointment if it is at the hospital I will be at, but I understand people wanting to know so they can avoid it.