
Me and my husband started TTC last month. We got busy around the time of my ovulation and then my period was due around the 19th January. The 19th came and went with no period.

I wouldn’t say my periods are massively irregular but they vary +/- a few days each time.

Over the last few weeks I have went through days of solid cramping, constipation and even waking up in the middle of the night with intense nausea/vomiting - but these could all have other explanations.

I am now between 1 and 2 weeks late for my period and I have taken numerous home pregnancy tests which have all come up negative.

I am considering the fact that I may have missed my period last month and may have one this month - we had travelled to Japan the week after my fertile period. I had done some reading up on this and travel is more likely to stop ovulation rather than stop the shedding of the lining - is this correct?

Should I still aim to TTC around this month’s fertile week, or should I wait for AF to arrive? Any insights into this would be greatly appreciated!