Co sleeping


Here I sit, my 2 month old by my side in bed.. yet again another failed attempt at getting him to sleep on his own. I feel like I've brought this on myself, because when he was in the hospital the 2 days after he was born and the week after he was home he slept fine alone. But me being an instant baby addict I had to hold him constantly. Including when he slept. And now he won't let me put him down, even to go to the bathroom. His father can put him down, do the dishes, clean, etc. And he's fine. But he's at work from 4am-5pm mon-fri. So I have night duty + day duty, and this little boy won't let me do anything except hold him, or I face God's wrath of milk curdling, glass breaking crying. We bought a pack n play because at grandma's house he sleeps just fine in it when she babysits, but here? For me during the day or night? NOPE. Not even for a second. I really did bring this on myself, I should've just left him to sleep on his own but I thought surely he wouldn't become dependent on sleeping on me despite EVERYTHING I read about how they DO. Can anyone give me hope on when he will start to maybe become able to stop this?