Feeling behind

I know some of you are tired of hearing about how some of us feel like our babies are behind.

I'm not looking for the "every baby grows at their own pace" or "don't compare yours to others" talk. It's ok for me to feel this way. I'm just here to vent.

My child can roll over, and sit (for a few mins) but that's it. She can't pull herself up to sit. Can't pull up to stand. Can't crawl. Can't scoot. She can't do anything.

When she was first born I felt like we were ahead of the game because she always had great head control, but now I feel like she's not advancing anymore.

We do tummy time most of the day. A few weeks ago she started pulling her knees under her, but no longer does it. Now she just rolls everywhere or does superman pose and cries.

My friend's baby (same age)just started pulling his knees under him 3 days ago and she just sent me a video of him crawling. And I constantly see posts on here of babies crawling.

Of course I'm happy with my baby and I love her but I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong 😭😭😭