2nd time with strep throat in 1 month!!


I'm 14wks 5 days pregnant and literally JUST got off a 10 day Penicillin antibiotics that ended 3 days ago for strep and I have strep throat AGAIN!!! My 15m old was diagnosed on Monday with it, then today 2 more of my girls have it and my 4yr old that has it is having her tonsils and adenoids removed next Wednesday the 5th. I called them to let them know and they said as long as she dosen't have bronchitis or pneumonia she can still have the surgery! Which blows my mind. We keep passing this strep around like crazy regardless of me cleaning. I don't know what else to do. I have an appointment on the mornings at my local walk in clinic but terrified of giving my baby more antibiotics. Cause this would make the 3rd time in 1 month being on antibiotics. 1st time was for a severe sinus infection from having flu B (also was on Tamiflu same time) totally different antibiotic then less then 2wks later caught strep and was on 10 days of Penicillin and now once again may have another antibiotic.