Bronchitis 17 weeks

Last night was one of the hardest nights being a mother this far in my 9 years of motherhood. At 8 pm i ran upstairs after hearing Evelyn choking and gagging on mucus through the baby monitor. I watched her for several minutes and she just rapidly got worse. We got her to the hospital and after listening to her they decided to vacuum suction her nose out, there was A LOT even though I was sucking so much out at home. They monitored her more and her O2 was dropping down to around 84, in Colorado the lowest they want to see it is 92. An hour later they came in and checked her breathing and determined it would be best to deep suction the mucus out. That was hard to watch as they put a small tube in her nose and down her throat. She screamed and gagged and threw up and ahhh it took my breath away. After that they told me to take a walk cause it was a lot to take in. She was discharged this morning but still have to watch her. Praying she gets better asap