Rainbow mamas to be....do you feel this too?

Brie • Wife. Mommy to Pierce 👦🏼 Harper 👧🏼 And Meadow 🌈 5 losses 💔 Hashimotos, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren’s, lupus

I’ve been cautiously optimistic but generally (extremely) happy about carrying this little miracle rainbow girl. Now that I’m feeling her very often and she’s looking like an actual baby (we are 16 weeks) BOOM I get hit with panic, and I’m starting to feel just depressed for no reason. I don’t want to be sad, I want to celebrate her but I feel like I’m getting to the point where maybe I’m attached now and it’s freaking me out?

I don’t know but this is just such a terrible feeling and I hope I’m not alone, because I feel alone right now.