Husband gone crazy?

My husbands always had a short temper but has never ever gotten violent. I’ve seen some shocking behavior in the past month though. He insulted my family twice when he’s always been super polite with them. And the other day when he was backing up into the drive way he bumped into the trash can. He came in super pissed and said he “ruined” his car. The calmly walked into the kitchen and as he was putting his lunch bag on the counter he started to scream and bang the lunch bag around on the floor on the counter and on the wall and broke a glass that was sitting on the counter. When he stopped and left to cool off I opened the bag and both tupperwares were shattered. I’m still in shock... he came back home and acted like nothing happened

Haven’t talked to him about it, he’s told me he can lose control sometimes but I had never seen it. I know if I ask he’ll say I told you...