Jane • 🌚🌎 My zoo 🐶 🐱 🐟 🐸 🐸🐸 🐀

I don’t remember who but someone posted about this stuff and said it saved her. Mine came today! I’m sooo excited!

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UPDATE!!! Guess what else came? MY PERIOD. Not sure if the ovasitol contributed but it has been about four days, which is what a lot of reviews I read mentioned. Absent period for months and after four days of ovasitol, a period.I think I’m really gonna like this stuff.


Posted at
Is this expensive?


Jordan • Feb 3, 2020
It's weird because even though I have pcos I still have a regular cycle.


Heather • Feb 3, 2020
I’m not a doctor so I would discuss it with them, but I was never put in Vitex only this and noticed a difference in how I felt so fast! It was amazing. Never have had regular cycles and first month I had a 26 day, than 28 day and 3rd month pregnant. We were in shock after trying for 2 years


Jordan • Feb 3, 2020
See I'm not diabetic either. But I do have pcos. I've been taking vitex for months now well almost a year and well I'm still not pregnant. So could I replace my vitex with this?


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It regulated my cycle in the first month, I was pregnant on the 3rd mo!


Jane • Feb 2, 2020
Omg that’s amazing!!! I’m so hopeful this will help, I’ve had an imbalance since puberty.