A whole world of confused with TTC


Hi everyone,

I am writing this with tears down my face so I’m in search of some help.

Because of the endometriosis I don’t have any regular periods but my husband and I have been trying for our first. Well I started keto on Monday and have been doing great. However Tuesday I noticed I was having very light dark brown spotting. Implantation bleeding came to mind. Wednesday was pink and very light. Thursday was back to brown and very light. Today was a little more spotting and brown but nothing near what my usual periods are. I’ve taken two tests but they’re both negative. I’ve been dizzy and nauseous since Tuesday as well. Tonight my husband and I got into a small argument and I burst into tears. Mainly because I am feeling so confused of what is going on. I’m feeling devastated by the negatives, confused by the bleeding, scared for my period to show up and not be pregnant, wondering if it’s all just the keto and wishing I could just be like a normal girl who knows when her period is late. I hate having to analyze every symptom each month, praying that it will finally be a baby then being let down. Everything I read says implantation is supposed to stop by day 3.... I’m on day 4. Everything is making me feel so depressed and lost. I was just wondering if anyone has had this happen and what they did to help? If you had implantation bleeding longer than 3 days? Been doing keto then got pregnant, were the symptoms different? Anything to help.

Sorry for the crazy long post.