Does he actually like me? ADVICE NEEDED!!!

Ok so I’m pretty oblivious when it comes to guys, and I’m not one to blow it out of proportion when they are nice or show a little attention.

However I really like this one guy, and at the high school I go to, that’s pretty rare. Most of them are, let’s just say snobby. Anyway, I really like this guy and I have my first period class of the day with him. I’ve known him since freshman year, and each year I’ve had at least one class with him. We casually talk and help each other out with class work, but we’ve never exchanged phone numbers. So this semester (our junior year) rolls around and suddenly he’s talking a lot more to me. Every time I look up he’s looking at me (not in a creepy way) and occasionally he’ll chime in to the conversations I have with my best friend (she’s also in the class and she and sit next each other with him typically somewhere around us - our seating is our choice). He is kind of social, so at first I thought he was just being nice, but then I started to develop feelings because he was really nice to my best friend and I, and wasn’t judge like a lot of other people at our school (my best friend is openly and very obviously gay). So he was really talkative and was watching (I feel like the word watching makes it seem creepy but it wasn’t) for a while, and when we played a card game he was teasing and really nice, or doing something to get our attention, and then suddenly he just stops. Maybe it really was all in my head and I over exaggerated everything, but I really like this guy. Even if we didn’t date or whatever I’d like to be his friend but I feel kind of awkward around him. Does he like me? Any advice ladies?