Alcoholic (ex?) fiancé

We had a huge argument last night, and it honestly started for the pettiest reason but the things the came out of his mouth afterwards I just don’t know. I was lying down and putting something on Netflix before I went to bed. He comes in and says “where is the stuff you moved from my dresser” sounding really annoyed. I told him what stuff, I’m a SAHM of our 11 month old... I’m constantly cleaning! He just yells at me “MY CHAPSTICK AND NEOSPRIN” I then realized he was drunken. Like hiccuping, facial discoloration around his eyes drunk. I asked him if he even looked and he just starts in on calling my all types of bitches saying I’m rude and that I mistreat him. I’m willing to accept my parts or faults however this was being blown out of proportion! He wanted me to go get up and get the ointment while cussing me out.

Early in the day I shared with him that I was concerned about my moms mental health because she’d been showing signs of maniac depression or schizophrenia/bipolar disorder. So during the argument he starts saying “you’re just like your crazy ass mother” “your moms crazy” and accusing my father of being a drug dealer because he has expensive things, out of NOWHERE and completely unrelated. He tells me to leave the apartment we both have our names on because he “pays for this bitch”, I told him no I’m not taking my son out in this cold. We’ll leave once our stuff is packed. He then threatened to call cps if I go to my “crazy moms” house or my “drug dealer” dads house, as away to threaten me to leave my son I guess. I have nothing to be concerned about but the threat alone just burned me up. You’re supposed to be the person I trusted the most and you through it in my face like that? My family is very important to me and I genuinely feel betrayed! Like this is my mother and her mental health!

My family welcomed him with open arms and he’s treated like he’s their kid! My mom calls him son, my dad JUST invited him on a family trip (flight and board paid) to Europe this summer! I’ve NEVER disrespected his family even when his grandmother would make hateful comments about me. He started to get violent and threatening me more, I asked him to leave the room and sleep on the couch then I threw my ring at him. He refused and got louder; I eventually recorded him to show him himself later, now he’s “embarrassed” and is giving me half ass apologize. I don’t understand how something so small started all of this. I checked the tequila bottle this morning and it was a brand new bottle the other day and it’s less then 1/4 of the bottle left! I had 2 shots of the bottle the night before the argument so he did the rest on his own! This is something new as of two months ago and I don’t know what to do... what if he escalates.

Sebastin is our son from my last pregnancy whom I lost giving birth at 22 weeks unfortunately. Since our him, I lost my grandma 2.5 months later, then his grandfather passed last year, and his grandma two weeks ago. I know that’s a lot but I’ve tried to be supportive but how do I deal with an alcohol abuser? Part of me feels he’s trying to manipulate mean by bringing up Sebastin, he NEVER talks about him until we have big arguments, typically that he starts.