All these symptoms better amount to sumthin!!!!

First let me say we weren’t TTC this month at all. Hubby has been pissing me off and I’ve been imagining cutting his ding off instead of jumping it so we only had 2 days we had sex...... 2 days!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t even log the days on my calendar until days later and then I realized we had sex the day before ovulation and the day after ovulation. I’m thinking it’s no way... we skipped all the rest of the fertile days and both days I was 🤤 gone on that Amsterdam, so angry sex is what we settled for lol. I put it out of my mind. Then I started noticing a few things.... ok... a lot of things.

First my attitude has been crazy. I’ve been getting BEYOND irritated over every little thing and trying so hard not to show it. My husband can’t even play or joke with me without me thinking 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. Yea... it’s bad.

My skin has been hot.... almost feverish hot 🥵 without actually feeling sick or actually feeling hot.... I’m just hot to the touch. My husband compared me to wolverine when he touched me 🙄. Needless to say... no loving that night.

I’ve been burping and gassy as heck. The gas is trapped inside of me and I need it to get out NOW because I’m tired of sitting on one side of my ass. Also I’ve been waking up with heartburn? Or at least I think it’s heartburn... I’ve never actually had it before. My chest burns and this nasty mess comes up my throat and burns and then I burp. Only antacids seem to help.

Now my boobs.... oh Lordy.... they feel like they’ve grown a size overnight. Now sore boobs is a pms symptom for me but only on the sides of my boobs. My nipples are on fire and my boobs feel heavy and I feel radiating pain just surrounding my nipples in general. Boobs are overall sore.

Low dull cramps that actually are more aggravating than painful and lower back ache.

Last few days I’ve been the Cookie Monster. I can’t get full. I ate a cheesesteak and fries for lunch at work... unusual for me. I usually eat a salad. Finished it all and 30 minutes later my stomach was gurgling and my hands were shaking as if I hadn’t even in 24 hours.... WHAT the gluttony. At this point I was like.... hmmm I need a pee stick. I’m currently 11dpo and I refuse to test until I’m at least 14dpo. Other unusual symptoms... going to bed early. I’m super nocturnal. Bowel movement now up to 4 times a day, eyes tearing up over my boss not giving me eye contact in the middle of a team meeting 🙄, I’ve been freezing which is so weird for me since I’m always hot all of the time. And craving salt and vinegar chips every day. I hate salt and vinegar chips. Has anyone out there been experiencing this?? I will be very happy if I’m pregnant.... we’ve been trying since my miscarriage two years ago and no luck. The one month we aren’t even thinking of trying and all of these symptoms I didn’t feel before pop up. This will be a nice birthday present... next week I am 35 and I really want to give our son a little brother or sister. Thoughts anyone? Or am I just a weirdo?