Naming baby after dad ?


So from the moment I found I was pregnant with baby number 3 my husband keeps saying if it’s a boy his name is going to be mine. I just smirked and left it because we didn’t know what it was going to be. Now after having two girls I get to have my little boy 😊 and now we are back to the statement of his name is going to be Miguel. And his whole family is putting pressure on me to name my son that. And right now I don’t want to maybe once it gets closer I will change my mind but I don’t think so. I want my son to have his own name one that he doesn’t feel like he has to follow in someone else’s foot steps almost like a shadow his whole life. Btw this is my husband second son his first is not named after him from a previous relationship. Which honestly feel like your first born should be named after a father and if he couldn’t convince her to put his name why should I? Help me !! I’m i wrong ? If not how do I convince my husband otherwise! I’m so frustrated and just found out yesterday it was a boy. I want to be so happy right now and every second he calls my belly Miguel😡