A little worried...


So today we had a 3D ultrasound but baby wasn’t cooperating so we ended up rescheduling(mentioning this because we had to do a bunch of different stuff to reposition baby and I’m thinking he’s turned and that’s why I can’t feel him a whole lot now??) but when we got home I was sitting on the couch and suddenly I felt like I was going to vomit and got really lethargic and had the cold sweats that lasted maybeeeee 5ish minutes but I ate something and drank some water and I felt perfectly fine after and it hasn’t happened again but I haven’t felt baby move a whole lot since and it’s scaring me a little bit. I have an appointment on Monday so I didn’t want to go into L&D for what was maybe low blood sugar or something like that but I don’t know what to do and I’m trying not to make it a big deal but I’m worried! Any suggestions?

Also yes I have tried the eating/drinking something sweet and laying on my side thing!