Stretching during the 5th pregnanxy

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

Is anyone out there expecting their 5th and notice that their uterus seems to be stretching and expanded quicker? I’m only 4 weeks 4 days I believe and I’m feeling a lot of what the doctor states is my uterus stretching already due to the fact I have 4 pregnancies.

But I was wondering if anyone else is having this.

It feels like a dull cramp here and there, usually on one side or the other along with some vaginal pressure.

I’m a very anxious person in general but being so early I’m trying not to stress and thus I’ve been asking more questions to calm my mind.