Makes no sense 🤷‍♀️


My hubbys logic is a little twisted.

I want this baby out now. I'm 37 weeks and 5 days and so uncomfortable. Always frustrated that it's a struggle to even get off the couch or out of bed.

I've wanted sex a lot because it's been helpful in the past with my other 2 and why not try it? It's better to try to get things going with sex than to just sit here and wait for something to happen. I've tried evening primrose oil, spicy food, walking, stairs..

Well anyway, this is where I get frustrated. My hubby says "I think we should just let him come when he wants to.. There's no point in rushing" And says we shouldn't be having that much sex. He doesn't want to put me into labor..

Of course when you're not the one uncomfortable and emotional and struggling with everyday tasks it's easy to say "just wait for him to come on his own. " I think we should let him come at 40 weeks"

Then when I get crabby and snippy he has the nerve to tell me I'm too crabby and I need to relax.

So you want this baby to come on his own time and just have me suffer with all the discomfort but have the audacity to tell me I need to relax and not be so crabby....

I just needed to vent.