What to do

My husband shout at me and treat me like a child. For I example I said do that for me and you did not do it. how many times must I repeat myself. My voice sounds like a first part to you. Everytime when I ask you to do something say you forgot. For the past days I have asked you to wash my shoes and you did not. I am a working wife and coming back to our house on Fridays and he stays in the house or sleep at home daily. He asked me in front of his sister and niece if I want to go to the house or go with him to drop off the sister which is 45km away as we were coming from visiting his extended family. I said to him anything he decides , I am fine. I was surprised why now I have to choose as we left the house together and I am expecting us to drop them off together as well. His response was do not give me rubbish answers I said must I drop u off or not? Tell me if I did anything wrong? He has this tendencies especially when we are among people. And sometimes when we are alone. I have been nothing but a supporting wife,he was diagnosed with chronic but I did not judge him supported him all the way from change in diet to reminding him of his medication. He has said that he will get a 2nd wife as I am failing to wash his sleepers just yesterday when I was coming from work. I have worked that I contribute towards our bond and car as well being 50 50 set up. When it comes to house chores he expects me to do them and complains if I can't at that moment. I have accepted and supported him as the doctor diagnosed him with fertility issues,h said he was not ready for sperm count analysis and I said it's fine he must take his time. I am not a good wife after all. I told him first week of Jan that he is not helping me but complaining yet he repeated again yesterday. I am starting to lose patients on top of the stress of struggling to conceive for 8 years. Even his same sister he was dropping off said I must up my game in ensuring I get a baby. I might be emotional.