Moving on from an argument (read description)

Ok ladies, let’s hear what you’ve got to say.

Let’s say you get into a medium size argument with your man. I’m not talking about bickering, and I’m not talking about a huge blow out. This argument is in between. I know everyone argues differently, but how long until it’s done and you’ve moved on? And by moved on, I mean all the negative emotions that you feel/harbor afterwards are completely gone. I’ll give you an example:

The man and I argue over something to do with the kids. He says his piece, I say mine and it gets heated for whatever reason. I usually leave the situation and go upstairs. We might text a bit as we’re cooling down and then go to bed. Sometimes I wake up still irritated at the argument. I’m a little stand offish, but he wants me to be lovey-dovey right away.

How long does it take you to get back to that lovey space from start of the argument to the end of the argument?

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