Not so Happy Announcement 😕

I am 6 weeks (according to the app) with my first baby. My fiancé and I are happy and were hoping to have a child together whenever god decides to bless us with one. We are 27 and 28 years old and would be great parents. I have a loving and supportive family, but I was hesitant about telling my parents about the pregnancy early on because of how they would react. We told my mom this morning and while I know she is going to be a great grandma and will accept it, she was less than happy and supportive in the moment. She barely congratulate us or said that she was happy for us. The first thing she said was “really? How are you guys going to be able to afford a baby?” ... we both work full time and we get by fine, we’ve just had trouble saving with bills and life in general. She texted us after and said she loves us and she knows we will be great. But I am so hurt by her initial reaction, I can’t even feel good about sharing my happiness with her right now ...