Not so Happy Announcement 😕

I am 6 weeks (according to the app) with my first baby. My fiancĂ© and I are happy and were hoping to have a child together whenever god decides to bless us with one. We are 27 and 28 years old and would be great parents. I have a loving and supportive family, but I was hesitant about telling my parents about the pregnancy early on because of how they would react. We told my mom this morning and while I know she is going to be a great grandma and will accept it, she was less than happy and supportive in the moment. She barely congratulate us or said that she was happy for us. The first thing she said was “really? How are you guys going to be able to afford a baby?” ... we both work full time and we get by fine, we’ve just had trouble saving with bills and life in general. She texted us after and said she loves us and she knows we will be great. But I am so hurt by her initial reaction, I can’t even feel good about sharing my happiness with her right now ...

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Posted at
Honestly don’t read too much into it. It’s big news and her reaction doesn’t necessarily mean that she isn’t thrilled for you guys. She probably feels guilty also seeing as she texted you that. When I told my parents I was expecting their first grandchild my mum didn’t say a word for like 5 minutes and my dad just said “you’d better be fucking kidding me”. It was upsetting of course but I knew they were just concerned for and about me. They soon became super excited, it’s just their job to worry though it doesn’t always manifest in the right way!


Posted at
I think she was just genuinely concerned about your financial status. Maybe all she needed to hear was "we'll be fine" and later on thought about it then got excited.I said a stupid thing to my SIL when she got pregnant and announced over a lunch out. I said " it is [insert name] right?" A couple of months before she said she wasnt sure they'd be together then next thing shes saying shes pregnant.Long story short....people say stupid shit when they're surprised 😆


Posted at
I’m so sorry. That is so hurtful to hear from someone you care about so much and value their opinions. I am also scared to tell anyone close to me so I turn to this app and the other women here for support. Congrats on your new bundle of joy. You will make it. You will figure it all out money wise. And you will be amazing parents!! đŸ„°đŸ˜đŸ„°


Posted at
My husbands grandmother doesn't speak to me at all about my pregnancy and never showed any sign of happiness period, the only words she spoke about it was today at church when she asked me how I was and I told her sick because I was nauseas, and said morning sickness and she asked how far along I was and I said 6 weeks thinking she'd want to talk about it) but she just said "that's too early for morning sickness. You don't get that until your third month." Apparently she doesnt know that every pregnancy is different đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Posted at
Thank you.. that means a lot.. we put in A lot of thought into making it a cute announcement for her too.. had something special made about becoming a grandma, & She was like “I thought you had talked about waiting”.. it seemed like all she did was try to bring up the hard parts about having a baby, as if we didn’t already consider those things. And then she somewhat changed her tune but at that point all I could think about was how she wasn’t excited and overjoyed to begin with.