Marriage attenders

So this is a tough one.

See we would like a small wedding party.. But we don't know where to stop 😅

See we both love our friends so they would be invited no discussion.

On my wedding day I want to feel sure of myself.. No people there who've brought me down.

So we'd like my husband's family there anyways..

But then my family is complicated..

My mother allowed my brother to hit me (like physical abuse level) and when my dad tried to help me his girlfriend made a problem about how I ate food and trew me out of her house and her daughter called me names and they both wanted me to live on the street.

So technically I would want my mom and dad there.. But not necessarily.. But I really don't want my brother or my stephsister or her mother there..

But when my stepsister married we were invited.. So I feel kinda obligated..

Anyways I also don't want people to be jealous and create drama because I don't like drama or being in the center of attention..

Maybe we can just get married without family there.. Or just the 2 of us.. But I feel like his family would feel sad to not be there.. But if they aren't there my family shouldn't feel jealous. Because they don't understand that they have no right of being part of my life by the way they have treated me.


With a small wedding party we were looking at our like 10 good friends and close relatives