Cheating ex boyfriend


Does anyone else feel like a fuck up sometimes? Like you ex boyfriend cheated, i stupidly gave him another chance, got pregnant on birthcontrol and hes been cheating. Like i broke up with him, but we are still living together right now because the lease situation, and i just feel so stupid for giving him another chance. I shouldnt have ever given him another chance. Me and the baby deserve better than this. I wouldnt want my daughter to be with a guy like her dad is or see this horrible relationship continue. So breaking up is for the best. But it still sucks and my heart hurts and i feel so so stupid i gave him another chance. Especially because here i am now pregnant despite taking birthcontrol right. We barely had sex it was like once every couple weeks. And bamn still got pregnant. I really feel like an idiot. And i know when my child is ilder that will ask why me and there dad are not together and i dont wanna lie but at the same time if he is a good dad to my kid then i dont wanna ruin that by telling her oh your dad cheated on me constantly so we broke up. And at some point telling her that we just didnt work out wont be enough of an explanation. I wish i could go back in time and never get with him.