Finding out


Hey ladies I just wanted to share about my experience finding out I was pregnant! So I actually found out on “accident”, I had tested at around 8-9DPO and got a stark white test was like, “yeah whatever it’s the first cycle I don’t expect anything.” Well I few days later at 11 DPO I noticed my usually PMS symptoms hadn’t shown yet. I wasn’t bloated, my boobs weren’t sore and so for the heck of it because I bought a huuuuge bag on amazon cheapie opk+hcg tests I took one of each. I expected the hcg to me neg since it was earlier and I’d counted myself out, but I took the opk because I’d heard you can get a surge right before AF. And lemme tell you girls, when I saw those two line I was SHOCKED. I preceded to take like 2 other cheapies, and a frer. All positive. Well i didn’t tell my hubby until a couple days after but he’d started acting weird. The day I was telling him he woke up at like 2 that morning and asked, “which one were be having first? Oh yeah you want a boy first.” And I was like 😳😳😳 oh he knows. Then that morning he greeted me with, “good morning future mother of my children,” which he rarely ever says. At this point I was convinced he was F’ing with me. Then later that day after I got off work he started asking if I wanted to drink together that night since it was Friday and it’d be fun. I had to keep telling this man i didn’t feel like it and he’s like dude why not. 😂😂 well he finally gets home and I showed him a couple tests and they had faint lines and this man says, “so you’re kinda pregnant?” I laughed so hard