Definitely done at this point with him

My husband and I have a 14 month old girl and are expecting our second baby I'm currently 40+1 to be honest I'm so done with him. He doesn't help me with anything I have to ask him everytime in order for him to do something and it's just tiring. I've talked to him countless of times about this and and everytime we do he just apologizes and tells me that he is going to do better but he doesn't. He works 6 days out the week from 8am and get home at around 7:30-8:00pm. I'm a SAHM and I'm thankful for that. His only day off is Sunday but somedays rarely he would get done with work and be home early and all he does is just hit the couch and spend the whole day there looking either at the t.v, play videogames or be on his phone. I try to get him to be more interactive with our daughter but he just looks like is a chore so I don't even bother to ask him to play, feed or bathe her that often anymore (not that he did those things in the first place) he doesn't bother on asking me if I need help. I totally understand wanting a break and just chill as soon as you get home but this happens everyday without fail. From the time he gets home up until he goes to sleep he doesn't get up from that fucking couch to help me or at least pretend to care and ask me if I need something.

I feel like shit, I'm not taking care of myself and this situation is just stressing me out. I'm definitely gonna give him an ultimatum, it's basically like I'm an only parents and it shouldn't be like that when there's clearly two healthy parents in the relationship. I don't mind doing everything for him, all I want is for my spouse to step his ass up and help even if it's just for 5 minutes without looking at his phone or get sidetracked by other things.