

Dear Lord and Virgin Mary, we pray to you to grant us the miracle of a child. A child to call our own, to cry, to laugh but more importantly to give us purpose. My husband and I love children and cannot wait to celebrate life with one of our own. We ask this in Jesus’ name AMEN

I am fruitful

Dear heavenly father, bless me and my husband with child, open my cervix, uterus womb and fallopian tubes..i will forever praise and worship.. Your word says none shall be barren bless me like you blessed hannah and sarah. Bless us dear God by the power of your name and the blood of Jesus i come against the devil and agent concerning my pregnancy… i believe and i join faith with everyone here expecting fruit of the womb it is done in JESUS name, we re pregnant our prayers are answered .Thank you father thank u holy spirit blessed be the name of the lord.Amen

Just asking for prayers... We are on our journey TTC Almost 6 years.. And All I Can do is Have Faith .and hope... &-' when he does this to me... it makes my heart melt... he always just craddles my stomach.. even when I'm a sleep he always just holds my stomach or rubns it at night before we sleep... He's just my everything in this time right now.... I wish for all the lady's that are having a hard time... Give it time good hears us .. and we just gotta pray and have faith in the Lord 🙏 baby dust to all that is TTC... i kno it's hard seeing your AF come every month or the neg pregnancy test and all the crying and just wanna b left alone and all the pain and aggony we hold against us... The Lord is with us all....