Midwives brew 🙏 please work


Just took the midwives brew hopefully it works !!! 40 weeks on tuesday 🙏😥

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Posted at
What is midwives brew


kelsey • Feb 3, 2020
Yeah but what is in it xx


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
Its suppose to help you go into labor.


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
I'll post a pic


Posted at
Don’t add the Castro’s oil! I was looking at natural ways to induce and the Oil can cause a lot of stress in the baby. It also makes you poo and can make the baby poo in you too, which may make you need a c-section! It is suppose to work though! 🤣🤣 but like is it with it?! 😋


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
I did it with last baby and everything was fine. I think it just Depends on your body and stuff


Posted at
This doesn’t put you into labor. You have to be dilated and your body has to ready to go into labor for this to work. It just speeds up the process of labor 😬. This can stress your baby and cause problems. My son is in the nicu for being born at 33weeks and I see a lot of full term babies in there as well as preemies.


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
I've been dilated for ever wit cervix soft for every and having contraction everyday ..


Posted at
There’s not enough castor oil in this to harm the baby or give the mom diarrhea. The only time it harms the baby is when people are taking it alone and in full doses.


Posted at
I’ve been thinking of trying this but want


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
Well if you do good luck. I woke up and nothing I though forsure cause it was giving me contractions so I fell asleep and they went away


Posted at
Did it work? I’m going to do this Thursday 😬


Michelle • Feb 3, 2020
I was having contractions. Butttttttt they went away