
So this past friday was the most exhilarating time I've had in the last 10 years until the unthinkable happened.

I met a man on a dating app a couple weeks ago. We hit it off and 3 days ago we planned to meet at a bar not far from my home. We drank, we laughed alot, it felt like we knee eachother for years. We leave the bar and went to my place. We had consensual sex in the shower and also in bed. While having sex he began chocking me so i grabbed his hands and told him to stop. His grip got less intense so we continued. Afterwards im like lets go back to the bar( only because after i told him to not choke me his d was not hard so im like lets go back to where fun was (the bar). So he's paying for drinks and im offering to pay but i could tell he was uncomfortable with me offering to pay. I go outside to smoke and he said I'll be out in a second... He never came outside. So i go back in and he already had his drink, i still had my drink on the counter while outside( 1st mistake.

So we leave. Go back to my place around 2:15am. After that i blacked out.

I dont remember unlocking my apt door or anything after that.

He wakes me up and says hey gm and told me you left the oven on and there was a 🔥( long story short thier was not a fire just a pot of greese in the oven that made my place smoky.

He then left after telling me he saved my life.

So after he left. I called the police because i felt sick, not hangover sick but like flu symptoms and my back and head was in so much pain.

I arrive at the hospital where they took me to the sexual assault unit where they had me do a rape kit.

Some results they gave but some i have to wait 6 months.

I was told my vagina had scratches internally and my anus internally was bleeding and scratches.

Tbh i cant remember the rest because i kept dosing off as the lady was examining me. She said he might have roofied me. But again i have to wait for that result.

Im so numb and ashamed.

Tbh i dont think he raped me i think it was his brother.... See screenshots_______ of our conversation in this post.