Welcome Earth Side Ayden Wayne 🥰

Danielle • Mumma to 3 beautiful Boys 🥰


Ayden Wayne

Born Monday 03.02.2020 at 11:19am (39 weeks)

After a drug free labour of 1hr 50mins

Weighing 7lb 1 1/2 oz (3.220kg) & 49cm long

Head Circumference 35cm

Birth Story:

So I was induced using the balloon method last night due anxiety and because my belly measures small but my last baby was 9lb 5oz.

They put the balloon in last night (I was already 2cm but with a long cervix). I had a few contractions in the night but nothing exciting.

Woke this morning had the balloon removed and was 4cm but with no contractions. They went to rupture my membranes but they we gone (we think maybe when I did a night wee it happened)

So OB decided to get me to walk around the building for an hour to get contractions started which they did but wasn't enough. Decided to start oxytocin drip.

Drip was put in around 940am.. And it was show time! Contractions started straight away. I laboured to 9cm standing up with hubby rubbing my back.. then got midwife to check who confirmed 9cm as I was too uncomfortable to move I stayed on the bed and got the urge to start pushing.. within 9 minutes of pushing our little love was born! Total labour was 1hr and 50minutes pain relief free!

Only complication we had was I had a lot of clots left behind so had to get them removed and put back on drip to help with uterus contracting back but otherwise we are all good.

So in love with our baby boy. We have 3 boys in total and our family is now very much complete 🥰

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KateLynn • Feb 4, 2020
You're welcome


Danielle • Feb 4, 2020
Thank you x


Posted at
Yay, congrats!! Awesome job!


Danielle • Feb 4, 2020
Thank you x


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Thank you for sharing your story. I have a scheduled induction for 2/13. This is my first baby so I am not knowing what to expect with the process. I’m hoping for a speedy and safe delivery. Congrats Momma! 🥰


Danielle • Feb 4, 2020
All the best im sure you'll smash it xx


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Congratulations! How did you manage to have a pain relief free birth? Any advice/tips?


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