Think I am feeling ovulation symptoms today???


This past Thursday I finally had a positive ovulation. YAY! been waiting months to catch a peak. We BD that night. No CM.

Friday I peaked again. BD and no CM.

Saturday another peak but no BD. Although I finally had some creamy/watery CM.

Sunday I didn’t test but we BD and I think I had some CM again. Can’t remember the texture. I do remember while we were BD I felt like I had EWCM but I don’t know if that CM counts while you’re .. well... revved up if you know what I mean 😂

Today I am a little crampy and feeling some slight lower back camp and like cramps in the lady part area. Is that possibly ovulation????!!! I’ve never felt it before but I know some women know exactly when they do based on how they feel.

I’m hoping we are set up to actually have a decent shot this month!!!

Glow said I ovulate 2 days ago but I’m thinking today feels more like it based on CM starting on Saturday and the cramps I’m feeling.
