As if returning to work wasn’t already difficult enough..

My baby came down with a cold 😭😩

Ugh I just need to rant! My MIL is going to be watching her when I go back to work. But my nieces and nephews live with her & THATS how my daughter got sick 😩 she’s been sick since Friday & we haven’t left the house at all. She’s got a nasty cough & congestion. We called the doc and since she’s only 2 months old there’s nothing much we can do besides giving her Zarbees cough syrup & making sure we’re doing NoseFrida with saline spray. 😣 I go back to work on Wednesday and I’m praying that this cough goes away before then.. but I’m also worried that if she gets better and I drop her off at my MIL’s while the other kids are still sick, she’s gonna get sick again. 😩😩